Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Chennai Silks - Naming

Many of my friends don't know the roots of The Chennai Silks, a textile shop. Just becoz, the name has Chennai in it, don't come to the conclusion that it is based @ Chennai. Infact, it started its operations first at Kovai, largest industrial city of TamilNadu. It was initially named Sri Kumaran Silks. It gained the kovaites' hearts thus generating a huge profit and spread its wings subsequently to Tirupur & Erode.

[For the details of the roots of the company:]

I must add that Sri Kumaran Silks is the first textile shop @ Kovai to air the advts on TV. None of the textile shops that are very famous are not visible to the rest of TamilNadu, except for Erode, Pollachi and Nilgiris.

So, enjoying a huge success, when the company expanded to Chennai, they must have got confused, since, there were many Kumaran names out in Chennai. And, they should have made this nasty(very nasty) decision of naming it as Chennai Silks.

Think of the shop being named to The Chennai Silks in Kovai. What a shame for Kovai, which is a gr8 city by itself.

I was very saddenned by the company management to have done so.

Anyways, am blogging this just so to make some people aware of the roots of the company.

Why Madras High Court

Do you know that The High Court of TamilNadu is called by the name, Madras High Court. Recently, the advocates of the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court has raised a plea to change the name of Madras High Court to TamilNadu High Court.

Nyayam thaanae?

First Post

Created this blog mainly as a need to showcase Kovai. All happenings and anything about this great city will be posted here.

Chennai is the city which is branded as anything about TamilNadu. What happens in Chennai seems to be taken as Tamil Nadu.

We always hear about some one or the other who speaks gr8 about Chennai. Its not that am against Chennai, but Kovai has got equal potential, in fact more, but there is no way to brand Kovai. This blog is born when I was thinkin about this.

Would like to introduce you all to Kovai, deserving much more importance than it does from the State Govt.

Here we go!!